How We Built CarLens, or Achieving Success with a Project that Never Really Worked
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019
5:15 pm
Premium 2
CarLens was the most challenging project Krzysztof has ever worked on as a Product Owner. At the beginning, having almost no experience in Machine Learning, he had no clue how difficult it was going to be. He struggled for 7 months to train the model, create beautiful designs, and combine everything into a working app. He learned how important a quality data set is and how important is also the way you manage it. He built an internal data annotation tool, scraped half of the internet and, in the end, he have an app that almost works. But it’s not the end of this surprising story! If you would like to know how it ended, learn some tips for working with the uncertainty of ML projects, and how one simple decision can influence the future of your project – this is a talk for you.